Thursday, September 06, 2007

الساعة الزيادة!!!

لم تكن تعنى لى تلك الساعة الزائدة التى تنجم عن تغيير التوقيت من صيفى إلى شتوى سوى فرحة عارمة بساعة زائدة من النوم العميق طوال فترة طفولتى وعندما كنت فى الصف الأول الثانوى استخدمتها كساعة زائدة للمكوث فى الخارج (=...و لكنى منذ ذلك الحين وأنا أفكر كل عام فى ذلك اليوم الذى يغيّر فيه التوقيت فيما يجب أن أفعله فى تلك الساعة الزائدة التى تأتينى دون أدنى مجهود -وأنا حاطّة رجل على رجل- أعلم بالطبع أن هناك الآلاف من الساعات التى تمر علىّ دون أن ألقى لها بالاً ودون أن أفعل فيها شىء يذكر. ولكنّى لا أعلم سر اهتمامى بهذه الساعة تماماً كغيظى من تلك الساعة التى تسرق منى عند إعادة تغيير التوقيت -واللى دايماً بتبقى قرب الامتحانات
هىّ يعنى كده حاجة عاملة زى الدفع المقدّم؛ بنعمل حاجة فى الساعة دى علشان لمّا تتسحب مننا بعدين مانبقاش زعلانين....المشكلة إن أنا لسّة مش عارفة أعمل ايه فى الساعة دى....)= أصل أنا ماليش فى الدفع المقدّم.....هى هى هى
بس الجديد السنة دى إنّى قررت أشركّم معايا فى المشكلة...ها؟عملتم ايه الساعة اللى فاتت؟؟؟
ولا أقولّكم على رأى عكاشة ليه نفكّر و نتعب نفسنا الموضوع مش مستاهل...ماحنا فى عصر "ليه تفكر أكتر لمّا ممكن تفكّر أقل"؟
"الجهل نعمة والجاهل مبسوط "
على فكرة أنا باهزّر ياريت أى حد يعبّرنى و يقولّى أعمل ايه فى الساعة دى!!!!دى بجد مشكلة


At 11:51 pm, Blogger khaled foula said...

el sa3a el zyada = nashat a2l ekt2ab aktr mafeesh entag mafeesh ay bdgan
el mafrood en el sa3a el zayada de fel asas kant 3alshan el nas ts7a bdry we troo7 el sghol bs lel asf mafeesh el kalam da hena
el nas bts7a men el noom el sa3a 1 el dohr
mafeesh ay nashat
3ayzeen nnzl el sa3a 9 blel 3alshan el cenima we nrg3 el sa3a 3 el sob7
we akheran b3d sa3teen 2odam el tv men gher mansly el fagr el youm khals.......
fe 7aga a7la ektra7 gamed by3mlo fel so3odeya bs 3alshan homa nas kosala bardo..3alshan 7ewar el denya 7r mesh aktr
y2omo el sa3a 5 el sob7 wel madares wel kolyat el sa3a 6 el sob7
leeh manb2ash zayhom... nera7 badry nkhls el 100000 lo7a we 1000 mashroo3 elly warana ..nnzl bra7tna bleel law lesa fe 7eel e nam badry..

At 3:11 am, Blogger Mido said...

hmm, sa3a zeyada?
why dun you think about hours you gain or lose while traveling abroad?
I didn't go through this b4 but theoretically it's just like traveling back and forth in time.
The hour here (daylight saving) is simply stupid, I (we?) can't feel the dif, so what's the use?
that was blabla maybe, your question now :D.
this year, I arrived home at 2:30 just to find it 1:30 after they adjusted the new timing, nothing else special. useless, right? but like I said, it's stupid aslan we have such a system

At 9:17 pm, Blogger khaled foula said...

yeah stupid sys am agree with mido..

At 2:41 am, Blogger sarah said...

hi guys..i really thank you for commenting...though i disagree with you concerning your judgement on the system as i don't think it's stupid.
Daylight saving is a kind of system that decreases the daily electric consumption of each of us...As the winter's day is shorter than the summer's, the government applies this system during summer so that people can wake up an hour earlier and make use of the extra sunlight God provides us, and consequently they will save a whole hour of electric consumption-so they will save energy.As far as i know, this system started in Egypt during the British colonial stay in egypt and it was used ever since.
we don't feel the use of this system - as mido previously mentioned- because our day is turned upside down unlike most of the normal non-arab human beings-and even most of the living organisms- we are awake all night and we sleep by day which is totally wrong and unhealthy by all means.
this reminds me of a discussion i had with my ten year old brother who insisted on keeping himself awake all night long and sleeping by dawn or even in the morning...
it also reminds me with these verses "و جعلنا الليل لباسا . و جعلنا النهار معاشا"

At 2:54 am, Blogger sarah said...

what i was discussing in the post was that i didn't know what kind of activity should i do during this extra hour "which only appears one time a year - because i think khaled has misunderstood what i meant" so that i don't feel sad when another hour disappears "in the new summer timing"
it's some kind of a "pay it foreward" hour...may be my post wasn't that clear or comprehensible..may be it's just a ridicolous thought of an hour,as no one have told me yet what i should 've done during it..anyway, i just hope it wasn't that boring..and thanx 4 everything
by the way, has anyone watched the movie "pay it foreward" ? i just wanted to discuss its concept with anyone..

At 6:04 pm, Blogger Mido said...

"random act of kindness"
look it up :D

At 7:59 pm, Blogger khaled foula said...

save more energy!!!!!! we donot save anything ever :D we save it by sleeping more as battries haha we can say we recharge our self in summer so we enter college winter and donot sleep alot! strange idea but i love it

At 12:22 am, Blogger salouha said...

ana mardetsh a7oot el comment bta3i 3'er lama nd7'ol el kolia 3ashan ashof hat7tagi kam sa3a ziadaa foo2 el sa3a deh 3ashan el 25 sa3a :D 2li fel youm msh haykafo el so3'l btooo3 el 52 sa3a dah msh tasha2oom ya3ni


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