Thursday, December 13, 2007

أهكذا الدهر بنا يجرى ويأكل العمر ولا ندرى؟ "

hi are you...i really missed this blog...and the way it was when it started.

i just can't believe that today we are giving in our LAST project before the graduation project.

i feel that the days passed too quickly, even our blog jumped from "tanya 3emara" to "rab3a 3emara" in a blink...

i just feel sorry that these days are coming to an end...

Did we really make good use of these days? I just don't know..I'll leave u now hoping that we can share soon our impressions about the past years and everything...

By the way, i want to organize an activity that we can share together before the end of this "experience"...what do you think? can anybody help???

ملحظ: العنوان بيت شعر للإعلامية الراحلة سلوى حجازى


At 11:12 pm, Blogger salouha said...

hi sara fe3lan el ayaam garet bsor3a gedan ana shaief 2n aked 3stafadna 7agat kter msh shart mn 7'elaal el 3mara bas fi 7agat kter fel dnia bas ahaam 7aga momken tkon 7aga medai2ani sha7'siaan 2n kol ma a7eb 7aga tt3amal sa7 fel kolia wnbda2 nfakar fiha wnantalek 3ala ra2i dr. wahba ala2i 2n el mawdo3 mawdo3 daragat w kashf 3'iab w7dooor wazon el kalam dah ebtada mn sana 3 wba2a feh 7aleen homa nshta3'l el sho3'l 2li bygeb daragaat aw n3mil 2li fi mazagnaa fa ana shaief 2n el 3mara btrooo7 wbtigi el mohem el fel a7'er el naaas wma3refet el nas el kwaisa knooooooz :D wyareet ykon feh activity ygama3 el dof3a

At 1:21 am, Blogger sarah said...

thanx bgd ya sala7 3la el comment
that's what i REALLY meant..."الاستفادة على المستوى الإنسانى"
هوّ احنا فعلاً استفدنا من الأيام دى كما يجب؟؟؟
i mean that college is one of the rare places where u can meet really different kinds of people...different thinking, different backgrounds...
did we really get this point...dayman bas2al nafsy...leih makansh feeh 7aga b ne2dar netgamma3 3aleiha??? leih makansh fee 7aga b tegma3na...
although i think that one of the best periods in our college years kanet sana tanya...when we all really got to know each other w fatta7na dema'3 b3d 3la 7agat kteer...
the days we started the blog, visited Cavafy's museum...why did we stop? I wonder...
"ولقد خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوباً وقبائل لتعارفوا ..."

At 12:50 am, Blogger sarah said...

sorry...if the arabic doesn't appear....change the encoding to "unicode", after right clicking the page.

At 9:23 pm, Blogger salouha said...

el mawdoo3 msh aktar mn mawdo3 ehtmamaat el nas msh zai ba3dahaa.ya3ni feh nas aktar 7aga momken t3milha 2n hia tsalim fel me3aad ba3d kida trawa7 tnaam wfeh nas 3awza t3mil sho3'l kwis wmsh mohem el taslim wfeh nas msh fi dma3'ha el kolia aslaan wkol ehtmamha bara el kolia kolohom 3'alaat llasaaf l2n el mafroo el wa7ed yhtam bel derasa wysalim fi me3ado wy3mil 7agat tania bara el kolia.sana tanya kanet 7elwa gedan bel ra3'm mn 2n e7na kbaar wkol wa7ed 3aref 2li by7b y3mlo bas el stuff mohem bardo l2n 27na lisa fel ta3lim wel kolia wkida


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