Thursday, March 30, 2006



At 4:49 pm, Blogger sarah said...

i think en sa3at b yeb2a fi mawaqef lazem el ensan yeb2a flexible feeha and i feel that i did all what i wanted to do yesterday concerning the eclipse event..i bought the filters, went to the college to watch it with my friends but the good thing was that we didnt only watch it we also made our college colleagues do.
students from our grade and from other grades and divisions took the extra filters we bought and watched the eclipse with us.then we went and prayed the kosoof prayer.on my way to the lecture after finishing the prayer,i saw totally different students holding the filters and watching the eclipse.i really felt so happy,happier than how i would have felt if i witnessed the event with people who were already watching.
all of these people would ve missed the event bec of their lectures and work [and that's how ur country goes] if we didnt go to college.and in my opinion that's what makes a person ENJOY something, the people whom he makes them enjoy it with im.
i was just sad bec i remember that the last eclipse,the one thet happened when we were in middle one at school, europe gave a day off to all the workers in order to witness the event and enjoy it. w e7na aslan fe masr el youm ma benengezsh fee kteer fe el sho'3l f mkansh hayefre2 awy ya3ny lw eddo agaza lennas.
fe elbalad de wala 7ad b yeshta'3al bgd wala 7ad b ya'7od agaza bgd...wala...wala 7aga

sorry 3ala el qessa el qaseera.
hope i didnt waste ur time and thank you for putting urself in our shoes.

At 8:47 pm, Blogger ahmed hussein said...


At 5:10 am, Blogger ahmed hussein said...


At 11:11 am, Blogger khaled foula said...

la2a ana 3an nafsy ya 3amro kont mewafk 3ala elly 7asal bas mesh mewafk 3ala el tareka zat nafsaha la2n fe3lan kan shaklena hamagy
bas ma3lesh ana mewafk bardo en el emte7an yet2agl lekaza sabab:
1)en e7na kona lesa me2admeen esceez men 2abl manemta7an beoom wala btneen bas we bel taly lesa 3andena 7agat keteera tetsalem fel esboo3 elly 7ayyegy en sha2 allah.
2)3andena el mafrood tasleem ba7seen fe mada wa7da bee2a we monaa7' + ba7s landscape + lo7a landscape + ab7as ensha2 + .... ana nasy el sara7a delwakt....
3)ezay el doctor yekool en daragatna fel el sceez foooooooooooooooooook we ba3deen ya 3eeny nela2y el aty:
30 nafer sa2et
100 nafer (( menhom el sa2teen )) gaybeen a2el aw yesawy 70 men 100 BAS
5)law ana delwa2ty 3andy emte7an midterm we sa2et fel sceez we el mashroo3 elly fat ((((3AYEZNY ASHTA3'L EZAAY)).
3ala fekra ana gebt 65 bas fel sceez 7aram ya3ny

At 7:13 pm, Blogger MoNaAa said...

على فكرة أنا حصل معايا نفس الموقف واتقالى كلام سخيف جدا واتزعق فينا بحجة ان مجموعتنا هيه اللى بتسقط الدفعة لما بتاخد موقف هيه مقتنعة بيه ومش على هوى بقية الناس
وعلى الرغم من كده كنا أول ناس نمضى فى الورقةمش اقتناع لكن علشان مانكونش السبب فى أذية بقية الناس
ومع ذلك كانت بتجيلنا ناس كتيرة جدا تتكلم معانا بأسلوب وحش وفى نفس النقطة
!!!!!!يعنى نعمل ايه أكتر من كده نحلف
بصرف النظر ان كان فيه ناس كتيرة كانت قاعدة بتشتغل فعلا
على العموم موضوع السكيز ده انتهى وخلاص وبالرغم ان أنا مش مقتنعة خالص بالأسباب كلها اللى اتقالت بس حبيت أوضح نقطة ان مجموعتنا عمرها ماكانت السبب فى أذية حد وأى موقف بيتاخد بنكون مشاركين فيه إذا كان فيه أذية بقية الناس

At 11:11 pm, Blogger khaled foula said...

a3mro kolena (( aw balash kolena )) mesam7enak 3ady la2n e7na 3arfeenak metahewer we btet3asab bosr3a (( aw3a tedrabny bas youm el 7ad :) )) bas zay ma mona 2alt modoo3 tafeh we 3ada el mohem elly 7ayegy :)


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